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"The Lamborghini of dog toys." 

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The Excitement Begins!

Watch your dog burst with excitement as PawsPal® moves with a mind of its own, completely unpredictable.

The rope 'tail' will wiggle & wave about, daring your pup to take hold & begin a playful game of cat n' mouse.

With multiple modes, there's plenty of ways for endless fun!

Nothing Comes Close

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Designed With Science

Dogs can only see the colors yellow & blue

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⭐ Customer Reviews ⭐
(Please Scroll Right)

Michelle & Sadie Try PawsPal®

The little cutie Sadie gets her first encounter and is instantly obsessed! This is exactly what to expect your dog to act like when they come face to face with 2024's #1 dog toy.

The Value Stacks Up Fast

Now for a limited time we are offering our 3 eBooks 'FOR THE LOVE DOGS', 'REDUCE SEPARATION ANXIETY' & 'JOLLY GOOD DOGGIE DELIGHTS'  (usually $45) absolutely FREE with every purchase. These books are perfect for strengthening the relationship with your dog & making some delicious treats for the Holidays!


A Game Changer!

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PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate
PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate

PawsPal® - The Ultimate Playmate

★★★★★4.8 (143 reviews)

+ 3 FREE eBooks

Loved by 11,368+ dogs of all sizes

$45 of added value, absolutely FREE whilst stocks last!

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You Can't Lose

Guaranteed entertainment for your dog. - Or we'll send you a different toy FREE!
If at any time you feel like our products have fallen short of expectations - Please let us know & we will replace or refund you.

How To Use It?

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1: Twist the rope into place

2: Unscrew it by rotating the lid

3: Plug in the USB and charge it (cable included)

4:  Long press the button to turn on, then press again to cycle through the 3 modes.
Mode 1 (blue) = fast movement & rolling
Mode 2 (purple) = slow movement & rolling
Mode 3 (yellow) = Motion detection. It will move when it is touched.

*You can also double tap the button to turn on/off a playful barking sound. 

Other Pups are having a blast!

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Traditional dog toys fall short,

Join the movement
to dog improvement,


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Thank-you for checking out Waggle Hound. We treat our customers like family! So please follow us & chat on Instagram. Remember this is the only dog toy that actually provides value & growth.

Make the best choice for your dog today by investing in their future!